Home OwnershipHome Selling October 20, 2022

6 Ways to Get Strong Odors Out of Your Home

The topic of unpleasant scents in the home is rarely brought up in polite conversation, yet addressing the problem is of the utmost importance. Odors of animals, food, and musty substances can become entrenched in your rooms and refuse to leave, much like an unwelcome houseguest.

To make a bad situation even worse, many individuals choose to get rid of offensive odors with air fresheners, which do little more than cover up the smells and do not eliminate them.

If you’re looking to sell your home and want to get strong odors out, or just bought a home and are looking for a solution to lingering smells, rest assured. This article will go over six key ways to get strong odors out of your home for good!


1. Add Baking Soda To The Area


Baking soda can be used on its own to eliminate odors from various surfaces, ranging from carpets to refrigerators. Simply put some of it in the problem area (on the carpet, in your shoes), let it sit there for a while, or put some of it in a bowl and let it settle there for a while. It completely removes all traces of odor in that area.

Also, you can use baking soda to clean your house, producing strong odors. For instance, baking soda can be used to clean microwaves, deodorize cutting boards, clean dishwashers, clean the ovens, reduce the smell of fridges, and clean your stainless sinks.


baking soda strong odors



2. Place Coffee Grounds In Bowls Around Your Home


Whether whole or ground, coffee beans contain nitrogen, which helps to reduce the intensity of pungent odors. To fight off strong odors, tuck a bowl of coffee beans or grinds used into one of the corners of the refrigerator. When moist coffee grounds are used, the aroma of coffee will take the place of the scent of the food.

coffee grounds rid of odors 


3. Use A Paint Primer Like KILZ


Because odors can permeate fresh paint, just repainting the walls will probably not solve the problem of a musty odor in the room. Priming the surface of a room before painting it is something that should be done if you want the space to have the appearance and feel of spring. 

Priming creates a barrier that stops odors from entering fresh paint, and KILZ offers a variety of primers that have the potential to inhibit moderate to severe scents.

KILZ strong odors out of your home



4. Use of Vanilla Extract


Here is a solution to the smell lingering in your refrigerator’s ice box. After saturating a cotton ball in vanilla extract, move it around the interior of your freezer using that cotton ball. Voila! The freshly made ice cream odor almost immediately overpowers the smell of the remaining meat.

vanilla extract fix odors in home

5. Use of Onions

When there is a lot of rain, you can use an onion to eliminate the smell of mold and mildew. Just cut down the middle of it, and then put it in the cold storage for the night. By noon, you may find that your eyes are watering, but not the onion; it will be from the happiness of having an odor-free basement!

onions replace odors in your home

6. Use of Houseplants

After you’ve gotten rid of the offensive odor, freshen the air in your home by placing some houseplants around. Fragrant geraniums and Arabian jasmines are different varieties that are strongly recommended due to the potent aromas that they exude.

houseplants fix odors in your home


If you’re looking to get strong odors out of your home, try one of the suggestions mentioned above, and you should be on your way to a clean smelling house in no time. If you need extra assistance before getting your home ready to sell, check out my blog with 5 Key Tips For Preparing Your Home To Sell.